Dear tutor, please i need your help with my final project report. My teacher ask


Dear tutor, please i need your help with my final project report. My teacher ask

Dear tutor, please i need your help with my final project report. My teacher asked us to choose random sole business and pretend that it is mine, and prepare a full project management report of this business. I Submitted it here two weeks ago and game the tutor an example report from my teacher to do the same concept but different content. He did everything perfect but he copied all statistics numbers, budgeting and revenues from the example report and paste it to my final report. When I submitted my report to my teacher he caught that and gave me a second chance. So now please what i need from you sir , i will share with you the example report and my report, please delete any repeated statistics and numbers with a new one from your own mind please. This is my last chance please support me.


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