Complete the final paper according to the proposal and use the same exact refere


Complete the final paper according to the proposal and use the same exact refere

Complete the final paper according to the proposal and use the same exact references! These are the assignment guidelines, I have already chosen everything, read the proposal first. DO NOT USE CHATGPT OR AI, IT WILL BE DETECTED!
This research paper provides an opportunity for you to explore and apply the concepts of health communication covered in our class this semester. Your task is to investigate a health communication topic of your choice and integrate information from external sources, including scholarly articles and newspaper articles, to extend your understanding beyond what we’ve learned in class.
Assignment Task:
Select a Health Communication Topic: Choose a health communication topic that has been discussed in this semester’s course. Your topic should address a specific aspect, issue, or challenge related to health communication. If you’re unsure what topic you want to write about, I provided four suggestions below:Choice #1: Examining vaccine hesitancy regarding Covid-19, focusing on one specific group (e.g., younger adults, African Americans, politically conservative individuals).
Choice #2: Analyzing the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on patient-provider communication and assessing the long-term effects.
Choice #3: Exploring ways for healthcare providers to improve culturally relevant patient care and the role of health communication in this process.
Choice #4: Analyzing and improving a campaign.
Choice #5: A topic of your choosing.
Introduction: Write an introduction that provides background information on your chosen topic and why it’s important. Introduce any questions or issues you’d like to address in your paper.
Class Concepts: Begin by summarizing the key concepts and theories related to your chosen topic as covered in our class readings. Clearly explain these concepts and their relevance to your chosen topic.
External Sources: Locate and include information from at least two scholarly articles. These scholarly articles should provide additional insights and perspectives related to your chosen topic. Additionally, incorporate 1-2 newspaper articles that offer real-world examples or applications of health communication in your chosen area.
Analysis and Synthesis: Analyze and synthesize the information from your external sources, demonstrating how they complement or challenge the concepts learned in class. Discuss the real-world examples provided in the newspaper articles and how they relate to the concepts from class.
Discussion and Implications: Engage in a discussion about the implications of your findings. What do the external sources reveal about the practical aspects of health communication in addressing your chosen topic? How can the knowledge gained be applied to enhance health communication strategies?
Conclusion: Summarize the main takeaways from your research and present a well-structured conclusion.
APA Formatting: Ensure that your paper adheres to APA style guidelines, including in-text citations and a reference list.
Format and Requirements:
The research paper should be approximately 3-4 pages in length, double-spaced, and formatted according to APA style.
Make sure to provide proper citations and references using APA format.
Begin your paper with a clear and concise introduction, followed by a structured body that addresses the points mentioned above, and conclude with a summary of your findings.
Bold class concepts.
Include at 3 least class concepts and explain them well
Must include 2 journal articles and 1-2 news articles.


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