Compare/Contrast: Paper 2 Chapters 5-8: Sayre’s The Humanities: Culture, Continu


Compare/Contrast: Paper 2
Chapters 5-8: Sayre’s The Humanities: Culture, Continu

Compare/Contrast: Paper 2
Chapters 5-8: Sayre’s The Humanities: Culture, Continuity and Change, Third or Fourth Edition
Chapter 5: “Golden Age Athens and the Hellenistic World: The School of Hellas”
Chapter 6: “Rome: Urban Life and Imperial Majesty”
Chapter 7: “Emerging Empires in the East: Urban Life and Imperial Majesty in China and India”
Chapter 8: “The Flowering of Christianity: Faith and the Power of Belief in the Early First Millenium”
I expect these papers to be 3 pages in length (typed, double-spaced, stapled), and written in the expository (argument)
style. (See the “Expository Writing” and “Formal Writing” pages at the end of the syllabus.) The papers must have:
1. an Introduction paragraph ending in a predictive thesis statement;
2. body paragraphs (BPs) which begin with a topic sentence and then fully develop and follow the order of your predictive
thesis statement, giving a minimum of 4-6 textual examples per BP topic; and
3. a Conclusion paragraph.
Pick ONE of the following four topics for your paper to be compared/contrasted between TWO examples from each of the
TWO Chapters you have chosen (Chaps 5-8).
I. Compare and Contrast the following: TWO examples of architecture from EACH of the TWO Chapters you
have chosen.
II. Compare and Contrast the following: TWO examples of writing/literature from EACH of the TWO
Chapters you have chosen.
III. Compare and Contrast the following: TWO examples of art/artifacts from EACH of the TWO Chapters you
have chosen.
IV. Compare and Contrast the following: TWO examples of power/hierarchy from EACH of the TWO Chapters
you have chosen.
Ahead of time, please consider turning in or emailing me your working Introduction and thesis statement so I can help you
with wording, focus, and order of Body Paragraph topics.
Remember, you will have ONE Theme/Topic, TWO Chapters, thus FOUR total examples, with 3-5 cited explanations for
each example.


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