1. Write a paper (5-7 pages double spaced) 1) explaining how different groups wi


1. Write a paper (5-7 pages double spaced) 1) explaining how different groups wi

1. Write a paper (5-7 pages double spaced) 1) explaining how different groups with different aims have CONTESED educational policies, practices, and outcomes and 2) ar3cula3ng informed stances on ideas, policies, and practices that can expand opportunities and outcomes for communi3es you want to be accountable to. (Use the sources given below and use quotes to help prove the answer the questions above, NO OUTSIDE SOURCES) – Make the thesis statement strong!
2. The audience for Part 1 is the professor and the authors of the texts we have read. This is the ‘seeking out new knowledge’/demonstra3ng reading comprehension and synthesis part of the assessment. Make sure to cite and quote from the readings to help your arguement
3. The audience for Part 2 is yourself. This is where you name the communities you want to be accountable to, engage with the sociopolitical meanings of the knowledge, and articulate your educational stances. I am not grading you on agreement. I am reading for coherence and alignment of thought and stance.
4. Papers should be in APA format with in-text cita3ons and bibliography.


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