This group’s final project aims to put to work the tools and knowledge you gain


This group’s final project aims to put to work the tools and knowledge you gain

This group’s final project aims to put to work the tools and knowledge you gain throughout this course.Tableau I expect your report to tell a story with the data. I do not want you just to report some statistics that you find but, rather, to provide a coherent narrative of your findings. Here are some examples of the type of report that I am looking for:
State-level savings ratesLinks to an external site.
Undergraduate student diversityLinks to an external site.
AirBnB sentimentLinks to an external site.
Capital punishment in AmericaLinks to an external site.
Ideal cities and states for analytic studentsLinks to an external site.
Movie exploratory analysisLinks to an external site.
AirBnB user pathwaysLinks to an external site.


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