Based on the content studied in the Entrepreneurship course, make a business pla


Based on the content studied in the Entrepreneurship course, make a business pla

Based on the content studied in the Entrepreneurship course, make a business plan for your new business. You are required to add following headings in your business plan:
Title Page
Table of Contents
Executive Summary
1. Business Description
1.1. Company description
1.2. Mission statement
1.3. Goals and objectives
2. Industry Analysis
2.1. Industry size, Growth rate
2.2. Environment Trends
3. Market Analysis
3.1. Market segmentation and Target Market selection
3.3. Competitor Analysis
4. Financials
4.1.Start-up Cost
4.2. Projected Expenses
4.3 Funding of the startup.
5. References
Requirements & Marks Distribution
• Contents 5
• Timely Submission. 5

Project Layout, formatting etc. 5Total Marks 15


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