Access the help on integrals (Desmos) Links to an external site. and review the


Access the help on integrals (Desmos) Links to an external site. and review the

Access the help on integrals (Desmos) Links to an external site. and review the first example in the section about indefinite integrals. This example demonstrates the method of graphing antiderivative of the sample function f(x) = x^2. The outcome is the graph of F(x) = x^3/3.
In Desmos, graph the first derivative function from your application problem in Discussion 6. Then using the integral notation as shown in the above example, graph its antiderivative so that the maximum value of the antiderivative function is twice as great as the maximum value of your function (c) from Discussion 1.
Using the graph of the antiderivative function, estimate the -intercept and the end value of the function (as x –> + infinity).
Interpret the y-intercept and the end behavior of the antiderivative function in the context of your application problem.


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