Your goal with this paper is to engage with the texts by Lorde and Butler. You c


Your goal with this paper is to engage with the texts by Lorde and Butler. You c

Your goal with this paper is to engage with the texts by Lorde and Butler. You can talk about either or both. They are, as we’ll discuss in class, a good pair to talk about in relation to each other. But you could also connect one of them to those who have gone before.
Ways to Expand a Reaction:
Contextualize: Look more into how a text interacted with its own time. Read up a little on the historical moment that the author found themselves writing in, and discuss how the text responded to that moment.
Connect: Compare or connect one text to another. Is there a pattern you’re seeing here? How do they compare in terms of prophetic style or content?
Connect across time: with Lorde, what does this text from 40+ years ago have to say to us today? With Butler, you have the option of talking about her 2024 compares to our 2024. 
Focus: Go deeper into a text. Take your idea and find more examples of it or find a passage or two and explain how it works in more detail.
Explain: Maybe you’ve already explicated a passage in your response—explain in more detail why it’s important, or why you had that reaction.
Make your intro focused and get to work. Remember that I’m your primary audience here: I’ve read the texts and I know the history. So you only have to remind me of the background, not explain it—unless it leads directly to a point you’re making. Similarly, you don’t have to summarize the texts. Just give me examples.
A successful response to this assignment is going to have a short intro and clear thesis that tells me pretty directly what you’re going to be talking about. It will then give me some specific examples from the text or texts you’re discussing, and explain those examples, showing how this thing works. It will wrap up with a short conclusion that reminds me what the big picture of the paper is.
Sources that can be used:

Dancing with Audre Lorde: A Lesbian Memory


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