You will need to hand in your Journal as a WORD document or PDE document in comp


You will need to hand in your Journal as a WORD document or PDE document in comp

You will need to hand in your Journal as a WORD document or PDE document in complete form the week before your final exam week… and you must have your name on it to receive credit. This journal will be something that will be different for everyone. You may choose to journal about an important topic in the chapter, the whole chapter, or a personal experience that relates to that chapter, something that is topical in the news- or recent events. Your entries should be at least two, double spaced pages for each chapter. The entries can be research based or more “journal-like” and personal based. It is your choice. 1. You must date your entries and state the chapter you are referring to or are discussing. 2. Each entry needs to be at least two pages in length. 3. The entire journal needs to be saved in a one-word document. You will attach your completed journal to the Journal link in Canvas. It needs to be in one document that includes ALL entries and must be written in Microsoft WORD to receive credit. 4. The journal MUST be in your own words- if you choose a research-based journal- you will need to cite your references using MLA or APA. Chapter 1, Emotional and Social Development in Infancy and Toddlerhood , Chapter 2 Genetic and Environmental Foundations, Chapter 3 Physical and Cognitive Development in Adolescence, Chapter 4 Physical and Cognitive Development in Late Adulthood, Chapter 5 Emotional and Social Development in Early Adulthood


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