This assignment will ask you to answer important questions based on the last two


This assignment will ask you to answer important questions based on the last two

This assignment will ask you to answer important questions based on the last two lessons: The Market Revolution and “Indian Problem”. In addition, the textbook can be used to answer questions with specific examples.
Answer the following questions with details and examples:
Why did factory owners begin to hire young, single women between the ages of 15-25? Why would mill girls seek work in the factories? Why did factory owners begin replacing mill girls with immigrants in the 1840s?
What factors were pushing Irish and German immigrants out of their countries? What factors were pulling them to the United States?
What kind of jobs were open to Irish and German immigrants? (Different for each one, Irish immigrants were typically poor, unskilled, and uneducated; while Germans, for the most part, were middle class, skilled, and educated).
Are there workers today who are similarly exploited as the ones you researched for this assignment?
What impact did northern economic expansion have on Native Americans?


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