The first page at the top left-hand corner of the page is single-spaced: First a


The first page at the top left-hand corner of the page is single-spaced:
First a

The first page at the top left-hand corner of the page is single-spaced:
First and last name
HSCI 3110
Instructor name
Date you completed the paper for submission (not the date you wish you had completed it)
Paragraph 1 is the Introduction: Describe the work situation using your name and a fake name for whoever you are working with to include these options; boss to employee, employee to employee, employee to customer, faculty member to student…getting the drift of the requirement? Describe your unmet needs, behaviors, etc.
Paragraph 2: (12.5 Step 2) Make a date and place to meet with the person you are having the issues with that is comfortable for both parties.
Paragraph 3: (12.5 Step 3) Describe your unmet needs (behavior, interpretation, feeling, consequences) without placing blame or becoming aggressive. Use the Assertive behaviors that you have learned in this course.
Paragraph 4: (12.5 Step 3A) Paraphrase or perception-check to get your point across without placing blame.
Paragraph 5 (12.5 Step 3B) Get your point across with a clear message using behavior, consequences, intention, etc.
Paragraph 6 (12.5 Step 4) Clarify your partner’s point of view. Paraphrase or perception check and be clear about your needs.
Paragraph 7 (12.5 Step 5) Negotiate a solution following a, b, c, d substeps. Hint: Final solution between the two of you is located in this paragraph.
Paragraph 8 Conclusion (Step 6): Follow-up in a couple of weeks to meet with this person again. Schedule an appointment. Did your hard work using win-win problem-solving work or not? Is there a need to go back and try again? Hopefully not!
References if needed
Finally, the Critique: Answer the 5 questions listed on the evaluation form for your entire performance and script in paragraph form.


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