Since history is, in essence, a story and not a series of random, disconnected f


Since history is, in essence, a story and not a series of random, disconnected f

Since history is, in essence, a story and not a series of random, disconnected facts,
students should be able to transform the information covered in this class into a
narrative form that articulates something about our nation’s past. Students will submit a
5-7 page essay related to the material covered in the class. The essay will be
comprehensive in nature, and students are expected to incorporate information
gathered through a variety of different sources. The paper will count 100 points toward
the final grade. The paper will be typed and double-spaced and in the proper
Chicago/Turabian format and include a works cited page with a minimum of five
Discuss the changing role of the federal government in American history since 1865.
What circumstances brought about the changes in government’s role, and what
movements and programs were created to deal with those circumstances? How have
the American people viewed their government, and where are we today regarding this
Your essay should be a minimum of 5-7 pages. This page count does not include
any cover sheet.
2. Your essay must be formatted using 1” margins for all margins (top, bottom, left
and right).
3. Your essay should be typed using 12pt. Times New Roman font.
4. Your essay needs to be double-spaced.
5. Please do include any headers with page numbers.
6. Your research essay should be accompanied by a cover sheet that states your
paper title, your name, your course, and date.
7. All of your sources should be cited using the Chicago/Turabian style.


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