Short Paper 1: Crime and Policing ECN 428 Do police reduce crime? The objectiv


Short Paper 1: Crime and Policing
ECN 428
Do police reduce crime? The objectiv

Short Paper 1: Crime and Policing
ECN 428
Do police reduce crime? The objective of this short paper is to understand
this question using the crime.dta. It has information on various types of crime
in various cities of the US states over years. It also has the corresponding
data on the size of police force. In writing your paper, consider doing the
following to make it substantial. 1. Pick a state that has a few cities in the
data and explore the scatterplot of the two variables under consideration.
You may also find it helpful to fit a trend across the data to understand
the correlation. 2. Consider looking into specific cities rather than plotting
the data for all cities. Does it look different from the earlier picture? 3.
Run a regression of robberies on lagged police per capita. Initiate your first
regression without any fixed effects or clustering, then gradually add various
types of fixed effects and clustering (and any controls that you may want
to add) to clearly see how your estimates are changing as you add them.
Your paper should have an introduction, econometric model explaining the
various control variables that you will use in your regression, and the results
with tables and graphs. In the introduction, motivate the research question
-i.e. tell the readers why it is important to know the answer to this causal
question, then provide a very short literature review (maybe one or two), and
then discussion what you have found in your paper in a few sentence. Since
this is a short paper, it should not exceed 5-6 pages. You should submit your
.do file and .log file with your paper.


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