* Please use this link to evaluate data!!! https://play.marketplace-simulation.c


* Please use this link to evaluate data!!!

* Please use this link to evaluate data!!!
Email: alexa.perez@ucf.edu Password: Shawn_Mendes22
BULLET POINTS, no complete sentences
SLIDE 1: Please complete a SWOT analysis for your company, as it operated in the simulation. Include all strategic dimensions on which the company operated within the simulation (including relevant decisions/outcomes in the simulation), as well as dimensions of management (i.e., your team)
SLIDE 2-5: Please explain your decisions on each dimension of the 4P strategy (1 slide each P). Each bullet should note a decision (e.g., priced
at this level, highlighted these dimensions in our ads), or a decision shift (e.g., shifted our pricing this way, changed our product design this way in this quarter), followed by an explanation as to how that decision was
intended to service a particular target market. How did that decision meet the criteria of consistency? Or realism? Or did it fail to do so in some way? How? *Please make sure it is very clear which brand you are
referring to in each set of decision. Please discuss the strategy for your top 2 brands; MountainPro and EasyRider.
SLIDE 6 & 7: Successes & Failures
Please provide between 5-8 bullets (for each slide) describing key strategic successes and failures. You are required to use simulation data to support your claim of success. The data should reflects outcomes (e.g., “we had the highest ranked brand [rating/rank #] in this segment for X quarters” or “we had the highest share [% range noted] in the target
market throughout the simulation”) not decisions (e.g., we put this much money into XYZ). Your explanation must go beyond such data to explain the cause of your success. Why did this outcome come about? ranking? How were you able to obtain it? What strategic actions brought that success/failure?
SLIDE 8: Please list between 4-8 key learnings from the simulation. Unlike slides 6-7, which focus on simulation specifics, this slide focuses on Takeaways that are useful for any marketing process/decision. Most of
your items should focus on learning that is directly related to marketing strategy. For each takeaway, please briefly explain where/how it came to light for you (what was the source of the a-ha moment?) and what it taught you to notice in future marketing contexts.


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