Part 1 (at least 1500 words): What are the major challenges facing women’s right


Part 1 (at least 1500 words):
What are the major challenges facing women’s right

Part 1 (at least 1500 words):
What are the major challenges facing women’s rights and gender equality nowadays? Explore and  give examples and evidence for each one of the various areas: political activism (second and third waves of the feminist movement, political participation, reproductive rights, body image, violence against women, sexuality.
In which of those areas do women most need further progress? 
In what ways does the situation of women in the U.S. (in the areas above) compare with the situation of women in other developed and developing societies? In your answers make sure you give examples and evidence.
Could setbacks occur in any of those areas?  If so, what kind of setback?
Part 2 (300 minimum)
How do you define “feminism?” 
Is feminism for all? 
Has your understanding of feminism changed while taking this course? If so, in what ways?
In your answers you need to:
Use all the different sources provided by the course: course pack, class discussions, films, Women’s Atlas, NoCeiling Report, Gender Gap Report 2023, etc. 
Use a minimum of 10 different  sources
Use main concepts we have learned (such as patriarchy, oppression, privilege, intersectionality)
Present evidence to support your arguments with citations from the readings and films, and data and examples from the Women’s Atlas, NoCeiling Report, Gender Gap Report 2023, etc.


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