Lets’s make sure that your workout is balanced. Meaning, there is an equal amoun


Lets’s make sure that your workout is balanced. Meaning, there is an equal amoun

Lets’s make sure that your workout is balanced. Meaning, there is an equal amount of time spent on muscles that oppose each other. Think of this as simply doing exercises for the opposite sides of the body. If you do a lot of back work (lats) and neglect the opposite muscle, the chest, you will be imbalanced. This wouldn’t look good atheistically, but more importantly you will be more prone to injuries if you overwork one area and underwork another.
For this workout you’ll complete back-to-back exercises for opposing muscles. Each exercise should be done for 45-60 seconds. Complete the set of exercises 3 times, then rest and move on to the next set.
1. Push-ups / Planks (tap shoulders or lift one leg off floor at a time)
2. Goblet squat (with a Kettlebell or DB or body weight) / Romain Deadlift (with KB or DB’s or Body weight).
3. Bicep curls (DB’s or resistance band) / Tricep overhead press (DB or resistance band)
4. Lateral monster walks (Side leg kick) tubing around calves if you have tubing) / glute (hip) bridge with inner thigh squeeze . Maintain bridge and squeeze for 3 seconds then release).
5. Crunches / Supermans (back extensions)
Please your log your efforts here! Remember to include the FIIT details.


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