HW#3 is to analyze the data you actually obtained and organize the analysis resu


HW#3 is to analyze the data you actually obtained and organize the analysis resu

HW#3 is to analyze the data you actually obtained and organize the analysis results using the Bass model or Logistic growth model. (The data subject to analysis here is data that the individual believes is suitable for the diffusion model/growth model, such as domestic products and services. (Republic of Korea))
You can use a program for analysis that you are comfortable with.
To submit, please compress the data file (excel), program code used for analysis, and report (pdf) into a zip file and submit.
explain the results with tables and graphs
The report must be detailed and explanatory, report length is 7 pages (8400 words), 11 point size. and the similarity should be max 2%. Assignments with more than 2% similarities will be excluded from direct scoring.


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