Between 2 and 3 pages plus a Works Cited page if you use resources—as you SHOULD


Between 2 and 3 pages plus a Works Cited page if you use resources—as you SHOULD

Between 2 and 3 pages plus a Works Cited page if you use resources—as you SHOULD, addressing the following prompt:
Several of the writers assigned from our Module 4 readings address the area of pain in sport from a psychological perspective. Referring to the works of at least two of these authors (see below), discuss, generally, how you feel that pain functions from a social, psychological, or anthropological perspective in our modern sports world. For example, what do Young and White say about how athletes “depersonalize” or “disrespect” pain? Or what do Jirasek and Hurych have to say about how pain in sports becomes a meaningful phenomenon or an “authentic part of the war agon?” Feel free to discuss the “pain” of loss from injury, illness, or retirement as offered by Young and White or Tinley.
Feel free to insert your own experiences and include at least two sources in a works cited paragraph (does not need to be a full separate page). Refer to APA or MLA format for writing structure (i.e. typed, dbl spaced, cite your sources, etc.)


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