Answer the two (2) following questions. Write a briefing note on the following


Answer the two (2) following questions.
Write a briefing note on the following

Answer the two (2) following questions.
Write a briefing note on the following subject to the Minister of Defence: Should Canada sign a ballistic missile defense (BMD) treaty with the United States to participate in the U.S. BMD program? Except for the word count, the briefing note should conform to the instructions of your earlier briefing note assignment. (Word count: 1000 words)
It is 2025. You are a senior defense policy advisor in the White House. The President has asked you for a position paper to outline a more restrained U.S. defense policy that is more in line with ‘realist’ ideas than with neoconservative or liberal internationalist ideas. The position paper should outline in broad contours how U.S. Grand Strategy might change and why a restrained policy might be a good thing. (8001000 words)
Position paper instructions: As a position paper, this assignment is more like an essay aimed at policy makers.
It should take a position (e.g. a thesis) and the paper should make strong arguments and marshal evidence for this position.
Avoid too much academic jargon – when you use academic ideas, explain them in plain language more amenable to policy makers.
Citations/references: normal essay conventions apply, so please appropriately cite your work and include references where needed.
Outside research: the course materials will provide the basis for these assignments, however, some outside research is likely to be useful. There isn’t a fixed number of required outside references
Format: double spaced, 12 point font.
Exam Rubric
A (Excellent)
B (Good)
C (Satisfactory)
D (Needs Improvement)
1. Use and understanding of relevant course material
Demonstrates a thorough understanding of relevant course concepts and materials. Applies course content accurately and effectively to the analysis. Incorporates a wide range of course materials, demonstrating depth of knowledge.
Shows a good understanding of relevant course material and applies it appropriately to the analysis. Utilizes a variety of course materials effectively.
Displays a basic understanding of relevant course material, with some inaccuracies or omissions. Uses limited course materials to support analysis.
Shows a lack of understanding of relevant course material. Fails to apply course concepts effectively to the analysis. Relies on minimal or irrelevant course materials.
2. Quality of argument
Presents a compelling and well-supported argument that is logical, coherent, and persuasive. Provides strong evidence to support claims and effectively addresses counterarguments.
Articulates a clear argument that is supported by relevant evidence. Makes logical connections between ideas. Addresses counterarguments adequately.
Presents a coherent argument, but may lack some depth or clarity. Provides sufficient evidence to support claims, but may overlook some counterarguments.
Presents an argument that is unclear or lacks coherence. Fails to provide adequate evidence to support claims. Does not address counterarguments effectively.
3. Depth of analysis
Provides a thorough and insightful analysis of the topic, exploring multiple dimensions and implications. Demonstrates critical thinking skills and offers original insights.
Offers a comprehensive analysis of the topic, considering various perspectives and implications. Demonstrates critical thinking skills.
Provides a basic analysis of the topic, covering main points without much depth. Offers limited critical insights.
Provides a superficial analysis of the topic, lacking depth and critical thinking. Fails to consider alternative perspectives or implications.
4. Quality of writing
Demonstrates exceptional writing skills with clear organization, coherence, and precision. Employs sophisticated language effectively. Free from grammatical errors and typos.
Exhibits good writing skills with generally clear organization and coherence. Language is mostly appropriate and error-free.
Displays satisfactory writing skills, but may lack some clarity or coherence. Language is generally appropriate, but may contain occasional errors.
Demonstrates poor writing skills with unclear organization and lack of coherence. Language is often inappropriate or contains numerous errors.
5. Presentation, structure, and citations
Presents the content in a well-structured and visually appealing manner. Provides accurate and properly formatted citations.
Presents the content in a structured Citations are generally accurate and properly formatted.
Presents the content with some organizational issues or lack of clarity. Citations are somewhat inaccurate or improperly formatted.
Presents the content in a disorganized or confusing manner. Citations are inaccurate or improperly formatted.


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