4.2 Discussion: Multiple Perspectives — Your Comments and Peer Replies 2626 unr


4.2 Discussion: Multiple Perspectives — Your Comments and Peer Replies
2626 unr

4.2 Discussion: Multiple Perspectives — Your Comments and Peer Replies
2626 unread replies.2626 replies.
This activity provides practice in summarizing the central argument and supporting details for differing arguments and perspectives, integrating sources into your writing, and citing your sources.
Review the Module 4 Research Topic Choices. Select one topic that you will focus on for all the assignments in Module 4.
Review How to Get Started with Research for your Argument Paper.
Locate TWO articles with different perspectives on your chosen research topic.
Write a detailed three paragraph response (about 300-350 words) to the two articles that you have researched about your chosen topic. Use specific details from your opposing perspective articles when summarizing their main ideas. What is each author’s central opinion on the issue?
Identify at least three main supporting details each author uses to support their argument.
Whose position do you agree with more, and why? Be specific in your response.
Make sure all references and quotations are clearly cited, using the MLA parenthetical form of citations.
Include a Works Cited in MLA format. (For a database source, use the Cite or Page tools to get an MLA formatted citation.)
Post Your Comments
Post your comments (3 paragraphs) to this Discussion.
Peer Replies
Respond to at least TWO of your peers as a Reply to their post. Where possible please respond to at least TWO of your peers who posted on YOUR chosen topic. Your responses must be substantial (150-200 words).
Directly address specific statements or facts discussed in the peer post and offer your own views/analyses. As needed, use details from sources to support your responses and challenge the views and ideas of your peers. You might also pose questions about the validity or soundness of their perspective.
Include a Works Cited in MLA format if you use evidence from sources in your responses.
You will be graded on your ability to identify and summarize each author’s argument, develop main supporting details, and use accurate MLA citations. Your Comments are worth 50 points. Your Peer Replies will also be evaluated here and those posts are also worth 30 points for a total of 80 points for this Discussion.


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