1 – Introduction   A brief introduction giving the reader a sense of why the top


1 – Introduction
A brief introduction giving the reader a sense of why the top

1 – Introduction
A brief introduction giving the reader a sense of why the topic is important, what your report will cover, and the general policy recommendations you will delve into later in the report. No more than 3-4 paragraphs. You may want to include a graph/chart/table in this section and/or the following section.
 2 Primary Section
The objective of this section is to “define the problem that your research seeks to address/inform. 
– Convince the reader that the issue in focus requires action2.1 Definition/background of the problemo Causes and effects, population affected, etc. 
2.2 Sub-theme hereo What do we know, or need to know?  o Dig a bit deeper into specificso What do people need to do now, in relation to this problem? 
3 Secondary Section
Here you may want to dig deeper into the race, class, gender, (etc.)impacts of the issue you are covering. 
3.1 Case Study
Here you may want to provide an example of the issue or even how the issue has been addressed in the past. 
3.2 Sub-theme here
4 Conclusions and policy recommendations  
Synthesize and summarize your argument. You are the subject matter expert; speak authoritatively about the scope of the issue and what needs to be done
Set of policy recommendations
o Provide 2-4 policy recommendations (e.g. changes in law or organizational policies/practices) that will address the issue you have identified. 


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