Writing Assignment 3 Directions: View a free concert of World Music online or in


Writing Assignment 3 Directions:
View a free concert of World Music online or in person (no Western Classical, Rock, Pop, or Rap Music) and write a report of what you experienced including the area of the world you experienced, what kinds of instruments were played, and what your experience was with the music?
Your essay should be a minimum of 300 words and written in a formal style with indented paragraphs, spaces between paragraphs, and a list of sources used in a formal bibliographic style such as The Chicago Manual of Style. Be sure to cite your sources. Before starting.
Writing Assignment 4 Directions:
View a second free concert of World Music online or in person (no Western Classical, Rock, Pop, or Rap Music) and write a report of what you experienced including the area of the world you experienced, what kinds of instruments were played, and what your experience was with the music? Compare and contrast with your first concert from Writing Assignment #3.
Your essay should be a minimum of 300 words and written in a formal style with indented paragraphs, spaces between paragraphs, and a list of sources used in a formal bibliographic style such as The Chicago Manual of Style. to avoid losing points. Be sure to cite your sources. Before starting
Concerts can be found at these sites:https://centerforworldmusic.org/events/
1) Write in a formal style as if you are writing a college level paper. Each of you will need to edit your profiles to turn on your editing tools for writing assignments.
2) Avoid causal and slang expressions.
3) Indent the first sentence of each paragraph.
4) Skip a space between each paragraph for a clean digital presentation and ease of reading/grading.
5) Proofread and edit your work before submission to correct spelling & grammatical errors.
6) Write to address the written assignments fully at the very least meeting the minimum word count.
7) Italicize foreign terms not in the American English dictionary.
8) Be sure to do all of your work within the CANVAS space provided.
9) Use American English not British English for punctuation rules.


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