Exercise 1 Choose one of the scenarios listed in the attached document and Creat


Exercise 1
Choose one of the scenarios listed in the attached document and Create the logical level ERD. You must create the ERD using Microsoft Visio or other diagram drawing software as indicated by your professor. Make sure to submit a PDF version of your diagram along with the actual diagram file (in case your professor can’t open your Visio file, they can use the PDF file to grade).
Exercise 2
Choose one of the below scenarios and Create the physical level ERD. (You may choose the same or different scenario to the one you worked on in Exercise 1). You must create the ERD using Microsoft Visio or other diagram drawing software as indicated by your professor. Make sure to submit a PDF version of your diagram along with the actual diagram file (in case your professor can’t open your Visio file, they can use the PDF file to grade).
Exercise 3
Choose one of the below scenarios (can be the same or different scenario then the one you chose for previous exercises), treat the table in the scenario you chose as 1NF (first normal form) and use the normalization technique to produce the 3NF (third normal form) of the data. You may submit a Microsoft Word document as the deliverable for this assignment.
Exercise 4
Choose a scenario as listed in Practice Exercise 1 – 3. (You may choose a different scenario then the one you chose before or choose the same scenario from previous exercises – I recommend choosing the same scenario that you created the ERD for).
Create the database in the actual database application as indicated by your professor (i.e Microsoft Access, MySQL or Oracle, etc.). You must use SQL commands to create the tables in the database (i.e Create Table command). Submit the SQL commands with the completed database as part of the assignment. The tables should be populated with records from the scenario you chose.


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