Are babies born amoral or are they born with some degree of morality? Piaget bel


Are babies born amoral or are they born with some degree of morality? Piaget believed that babies are born amoral (i.e., having no sense of right or wrong; different from “immoral”). However, there is recent research that suggests that even within the first year of life infants may have a sense of what is right and what is wrong (Hamlin, 2013). The video below demonstrates a study that is designed to test babies’ moral understanding. Please watch the video and share your responses to the following questions with your classmates on this Discussion page. Also, respond to one of the other students’ posts.
Video: Born good? Babies help unlock the origins of morality (13:32min)
Part 1. First, post your initial responses to the questions below in one post. (1pt)
1) What do you think about the method the study shown in the video used? Comment on specific elements of the method.
2) Do you think the results of this study suggest that babies are born with some degree of morality? (That is, Do you agree or disagree with the researchers’ interpretation of the results? Why?)


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