To complete this lab, Listen to the recorded interview ‘The Sound of a Snail’: A


To complete this lab,
Listen to the recorded interview ‘The Sound of a Snail’: A Patient’s Greatest Comfort.
Go outdoors: Find a place outside where you can be in nature for at least 1 hour. This could be a national, state, or local park; a city square with trees and gardens; an old cemetery; or even your own backyard. Be creative. For those of you who may believe nature isn’t around you or will not have the opportunity to venture into nature, the recorded interview ‘The Sound of a Snail’: A Patient’s Greatest Comfort may inspire you with creative ways to complete this assignment, particularly if you are living in a highly urban area.
Observe: Once you are outdoors, choose a comfortable spot where you can stand or sit quietly for at least 1 hour of continuous solitude. Set your smartphone to airplane mode. Take a photo of the view from your spot. Then, quietly take in your surroundings. What do you notice? Use your sight, hearing, smell, and feeling to take the world in. Be as still and quiet as you can. Here are some questions to guide your observations:What is the weather?
What is the quality of light outside?
What do you hear?
What do you see?
What do you smell?
How do you feel?
What parts of the landscape appeal most to you?
What do you notice that makes you curious?
What can you observe about the landscape? (Are there several trees? How many distinct types? Are you in a meadow? Are there different flowers? Are you by the ocean? Are there birds? What are any organisms present currently doing?)
Write down a scientific question that you could pose related to where you are conducting your nature experience. What would be your hypothesis? How would you conduct research to test your hypothesis?
Write: Either while you are outdoors or immediately on your return, write at least 250 words about your nature experience. Use paragraphs and cover both what you directly experienced during your time outdoors and your feelings and reflections on that experience. Be sure to describe where you went and the time of day during your observation.
Research idea: During your time in nature, think of one question related to what you are observing. This should be a scientific question about the plants, animals, human impacts, or environmental phenomena being observed. Form a hypothesis that you could test with an experiment or observational study. Briefly describe how you would conduct the experiment or observational study to test your hypothesis.
Contemplate: Using your nature experience and learning throughout this class, think about the philosophical question of whether humans are part of nature or are somehow separate from nature. There is no right or wrong answer, but you must answer this question for yourself and provide your reflections on this debate.
Create: Choose a creative means of sharing your nature experience, and what you learned from it, with the class. This could be a series of photographs with captions; a poem; song; brief, personal essay; artwork; the design for a board game; video of some kind; or any other creative avenue you can think of. The work should be entirely your own product.
Share: Share your Nature Experience with the class no later than Day 3 of Week 5 by uploading it to the Nature Experience discussion board. Your submission should include the following components:a photograph of the view from your nature observation spot
written observations and reflections about your nature experience
your scientific question, your hypothesis, and a brief description of how you would conduct research to test that hypothesis
your discussion of whether you think that human beings are part of nature or separate from nature and why
your creative project inspired by your nature experience (or, if necessary, a link to your work)
Policies: Utilize the En-ROADS Assignment Section One Plan to address the following:Name of your plan.
Screenshot of the main En-ROADS interface with results.
Bullet points summarizing the most-important policies and outcomes.
Pasted text from Actions & Outcomes documenting assumptions and policy settings used.
Pasted URL of your scenario.
In your Section 1 content, you may also choose to share screenshots of specific graphs that caught your attention and are worth noting. Refer to the Illustrative Example included with the template for guidance on what your Plan should look like.


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