Instructions Course Objectives: CO4: Evaluate and analyze various forms of argum


Course Objectives:
CO4: Evaluate and analyze various forms of argument for rhetorical devices, fallacies, and possible pseudo-reasoning. (Evaluate)
CO5: Create an argument free from logical errors. (Create)
For this assignment, you will use MS PowerPoint to present your final argument utilizing one of the three forms covered in the class (Classic/Aristotelian, Toulmin, or Rogerian).
After a catchy title slide, you will present your introduction paragraph on slide 2. This should be the same introduction produced in week 5, but with some tweaking based on instructor feedback.
Then, you will add at least one slide for each of the components of that type of argument. For example, if you choose the Classical argument, you will need at least one slide labeled for each component: Statement of the Background, Position, Proof, and Refutation. Be sure you see the lesson on Refutations. [See attached templates. You are not compelled to use them and if you do, they need jazzing up a bit. However, you should at least compare them to yours before submitting to ensure you have all the parts necessary for success on this assignment.]
You are NOT pasting a paper into the slides. Doing so will cost points for not following directions.
Each slide should have several bullets providing your best points for each component. Those bullets are then explained in the notes as commentary or in the transcript for any dialogue should you choose to narrate the presentation.
Be sure to include citations of scholarly resources either on the slides or in the notes (or both) and a final slide or two with APA or MLA formatted references.
Convince me that your position on your topic is the right one!


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