For this assignment, it is helpful to complete all the readings and viewing of a


For this assignment, it is helpful to complete all the readings and viewing of all the videos in this module as these will provide the knowledge base, language and vocabulary you need to use, and other useful pieces of information to help you fully answer the questions. To maximize your ability to earn full points on this assignment, it is important you explain each response thoroughly by including details, all available information, examples, and any other mechanism that supports your reply. It is also necessary to include (in parenthesis embedded in your text) your references which are all provided to you inside this module. Use any of the materials and resources provided in your module as you see needed.
Please answer questions A-B listed below. Develop an essay that addresses the questions. Use the questions as guides to help your thinking and as a checkpoint to ensure you cover the items mentioned in the questions.
It is important students focus on developing their communication skills in writing. An essay approach to this assignment is best. When developing your essay, please adhere to the following:
Only use the resources available in this module and your course text to help you develop your answers.
Reference items in your write-up; use APA style for your writing
What is vocabulary? (use your module resources to develop a thick explanation; include why vocabulary development is important to reading and a description of the tiers)
Name and describe two strategies that promote vocabulary development in young children. Include how you would differentiate instruction with those strategies to best accommodate emerging English learners, students with disabilities, and learners with dyslexia. (Refer to Conquering Dyslexia book for information regarding Vocabulary and students with dyslexia
Sensational Six
Sensational Six
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent Knowledge
2 ptsFull Marks
Demonstrates exceptional understanding and mastery of the subject matter, including relevant concepts, theories, and examples. Provides accurate and detailed information, demonstrating a high level of expertise.
1 ptsPartial
Demonstrates a basic understanding of the content but lacks depth and detail. May contain some inaccuracies or oversights that detract from the overall coherence.
0 ptsNo Marks
Shows a lack of understanding of the content, with major errors and misunderstandings. Provides little or no relevant information to support the main points.
2 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganization and Structure
2 ptsFull Marks
Presents ideas in a clear, logical, and well-structured manner. Demonstrates a strong organizational framework, with smooth transitions and a coherent flow of thoughts. Supports the main points effectively with appropriate examples and evidence.
1 ptsPartial
Demonstrates a basic level of organization, but the structure may be somewhat unclear or inconsistent. Transitions between ideas are not always smooth, making the flow of thoughts somewhat disjointed. Provides limited support for the main points.
0 ptsNo Marks
Lacks organization and structure, with ideas presented in a random or incoherent manner. Transitions are absent or confusing, rendering the work nearly incomprehensible. Provides no support for the main points.
2 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWriting Mechanics and Style
1 ptsFull Marks
Demonstrates excellent writing mechanics, including grammar, spelling, punctuation, and sentence structure. Employs a sophisticated and engaging writing style, with a variety of sentence structures and appropriate vocabulary.
0 ptsNo Marks
Contains numerous and severe errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation, or sentence structure that hinder comprehension. The writing style is incoherent or incomprehensible.
1 pts
Total Points: 5


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