Week Two: Discussion 2 Contains unread posts Must post first. Week Two – Discus


Week Two: Discussion 2
Contains unread posts
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Week Two – Discussion Two: Intelligence Led Policing
Please take a few moments to review the text book information (in Chapter 5) regarding the comparison(s) between Intelligence Led Policing and Community Policing. Once you have reviewed this information, answer the following prompts:
In your words, what are the primary differences between these two concepts?
What is one strength of Community Policing? What is one weakness of Community Policing?
Conversely, what is one strength of Intelligence Led Policing? What is one weakness of Intelligence Led Policing?
Given the increased scrutiny on law enforcement to become more aware and capable of identifying, investigating, and possibly disrupting terrorist attacks, will the need for Intelligence Led Policing capabilities replace the Community Policing foundations that exist in many municipal law enforcement agencies? Is the concept of Community Policing outdated and obsolete? Why or why not?
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