WRITE MY ESSAY,satisfaction%2C%20and%20lower%20nurse%20burnout.
I would like to do my critique on :
the effects of nurse-to-patient staffing ratios on patient outcomes, including mortality rates, hospital-acquired infections, and patient satisfaction. Evaluate whether mandated staffing ratios lead to better patient care. I have attached 2 articles I found online for you to pick to critique.The paper has to be 6 pages, double spaced, APA format, please add legit references and not random ones ChatGPT gives you. This is for my Evidence Based Practice course in BSN school. Some background for you is I have been a CNA and I’m currently working as an LVN so patient care and staffing ratios have been a part of my life for a while now. Please use simple words. Also use in text citations as much as possible.
1. Title: Does the title make it clear this is a research report? Does it give you a clear idea what the study is about?
2. Abstract: Does the abstract clearly summarize all the parts of the study: research questions, method, sample, analysis, results, interpretation, conclusions?
Introduction (background and significance):
3. The first paragraph of any paper should clearly state the central theme of the paper. In a research report, it should clearly state the purpose of the study, or at least it should identify the research problem. At the very least, you should know what the purpose is by the end of the first page, if not the end of the first paragraph. Was this rule followed in this article?
4. Does it explain the human significance of this research? Does the introduction clearly explain why this research is important? Will it reduce human disease, complications or suffering? Will it lead to a reduction in the cost of care? Will it improve the morale or welfare of nurses (who provide patient care)? Will it improve the delivery of care?
Method: Subjects
5. Subjects: Was key information about subjects, such as their age range and mean, the gender and ethnicity mix described?
6. Do the authors explain how subjects were acquired for the study?
7. Is it very clear what sample size was?
8. Adequacy of the Sample Size: Did the authors report a Power Analysis to justify the sample size?
9. If there were both experimental and control groups, was the assignment to groups random? If not, was the rationale for non-random assignment clear? Was it necessary to lose the power of randomization due to the nature of the study, rather than the convenience of the researcher? Remember, non-random means non-equivalent groups! That is a terrible price to pay in terms of threats to validity of the study. Was there a very good reason to pay that price?
10. For Experiments: Were experimental and control groups handled exactly the same except for the experimental treatment?
Method: Research Design
Was the research design explicitly described?
Did they give a name to their design?
Method: Instruments, Procedure
Did the researcher identify the instruments used in the study?
Were these valid and reliable instruments (i.e. had validity and reliability coefficients above .75 and ideally above .80)?
If this is an experimental or predictive study, are both the independent and dependent variables identified clearly and specifically defined?
Was the procedure precisely described so that you could replicate it if necessary?
Do the Authors mention gaining the approval of an Institutional Research Board or Ethics Committee?
Method: Data Analysis
Was there indication that descriptive statistics were used to describe the sample and the variables?
Was there any indication that the tests of normal distributions, skew and kurtosis were done?
Do the authors report the results of their statistical analysis in narrative and/or tables?
From what you can see, did they correctly interpret their results? Did they provide enough detail so that you can see exactly what the results were? Did they show the proper tables, statistics, alpha, etc.?
Conclusions and Implications
Did the researcher explain in a clear and logical manner the meaning of the results?
Did the researcher’s conclusions match the statistical results? For example, if it was non-significant, did the researcher report that the null hypothesis was supported?
Are the recommendations for clinical practice congruent with the statistical results? That is, if the intervention improved patient outcomes, the researcher should suggest it be used clinically. If it made no difference or was harmful, the researcher recommends it not be used clinically.
Were limitations of this research identified somewhere in the article?
Your Conclusions about the Article
Do you think this research is good enough to implement into your own clinical practice (or should a nurse in practice in the specialty of the research implement this research in his/her practice)?
Why or why not?
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent
40 pts(4) Excellent
*Clear language *Information is accurate and thorough *Sufficient and accurate supporting information * Main idea is clearly stated -minimum of 500 words Include 2 scholarly reference
30 pts(3) Good
*Language used is mostly clear *Information is accurate and fairly thorough *Sufficient and accurate supporting information * Main idea is clearly stated -less than 500 words Cited 1 scholarly reference
20 pts(2) Fair
*Language used is not very clear *Information is inaccurate or not thorough *Supporting information is insufficient but mostly accurate * Main idea is not clearly stated -no reference
10 pts(1) Poor
*There are many issues with language usage *Information is inaccurate or not thorough *Supporting information is insufficient or inaccurate * Main idea is not clearly stated -no reference
0 pts(0) Not Demonstrated
*The assignment was not completed *The assignment is poorly written, and the information used is inaccurate and insufficient * There is no attempt to address main idea *The language used was inappropriate
40 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganization
40 pts(4) Excellent
* Well- organized; appropriate flow * No citation errors * Appropriate length * No format errors
30 pts(3) Good
* Good organization and flow * Few citation errors * Appropriate length * Few format errors
20 pts(2) Fair
* There are issues with the organization and flow * There are a few citation errors * The length is not appropriate * There are a few format errors
10 pts(1) Poor
* There are issues with the organization and flow * There are many citation errors * The length is not appropriate * There are many format errors
0 pts(0) Not Demonstrated
* The assignment was not completed *The assignment is not organized in any way; formatting is incorrect * Proper citations were not used
40 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMechanics
20 pts(4) Excellent
No spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors APA style in-text citations used throughout the document, with no errors.
15 pts(3) Good
Spelling, grammar, or punctuation are mostly error-free APA style in-text citations used throughout the document. Rare errors noted that did not detract from the paper
10 pts(2) Fair
A few spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors Some APA style in text citations used in the document. Errors are noticeable.
5 pts(1) Poor
Many spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors Limited or no APA style in text citations used in the document. Errors are noticeable and detract substantially from the paper
0 pts(0) Not Demonstrated
*The assignment was not completed *The assignment is full of spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors No APA style in text citations used in the document
20 pts
Total Points: 100


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