Using the section from Chapter 9 entitled “Guide to writing an argument of defin


Using the section from Chapter 9 entitled “Guide to writing an argument of definition,” plan, research, and write a paper that argues for a particular definition of a term or phrase that is relevant and significant in modern society. See the “Examples of Definitional Claims” on the top of page 213 to get a sense of the types of claims an evaluation paper might center around. Feel free to use one of the “Projects” prompts from the end of the chapter (page 217) as the inspiration for your paper.
In basic terms, your paper should identify a term or phrase that is of current significance in society and then present an argument for a particular way in which that term or phrase should be understood or used. Be sure to discuss existing formal and operational definitions as part of your argument. Again, use the section from Chapter 9 to guide your writing; if you follow the steps outlined there, your paper will be off to an excellent start.
Your paper should be at least 1000 words (but no more than 1500 words) in length, formatted properly in MLA style, properly cite at least 3 sources to help contextualize and support your claims, and include a properly formatted MLA Works Cited page.


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