Directions for Option B, Museum Topic: The Google Site should have 1,000 words o


Directions for Option B, Museum Topic:
The Google Site should have 1,000 words of text, roughly a 3-4 double-spaced paper. Make sure there is a Works Cited page (which does not count with the page length). Make sure to cite or leave a footnote on any information that is not your own work. Direct quotes and paraphrased sections from the resources need to be cited. It is ok to have a lot of citations. More citations the better. When in doubt, cite it out.
Students should complete the following steps for the Museum Topic Website:
Use your Outline / Rough Draft as the foundation for creating the Museum Topic Website.
Include at least two research article / book / approved website into the Museum Topic Website.
Include a Work Cited page.
Make sure to clearly cite the research materials in the Museum Topic Website.
Use the Citation Guide below to assist you.
Have Fun 🙂
In academic writing it is important that citations are properly given as a way to: 1) give credit to the original author’s ideas and 2) to inform the reader where the information came from. Here are some examples of properly citing from a textbook:
Direct quote:
“About 12,000 years ago (around 10,000 BCE), a fundamental shift occurred in the way humans produced food for themselves—what some scholars have called an agricultural, or ecological, revolution” (Worlds Together, Worlds Apart, 22).
As you can see, there are quotation marks (“”) around the material taken straight from the textbook, Worlds Together, Worlds Apart; which is followed by the textbook title in abbreviated format and the page number from where the quote can be found. If the material being quoted is more than two sentences, then the writer should paraphrase the material in their own words while still providing proper citation.
Indirect (paraphrased) quote:
According to the textbook, around 12,000 years ago a shift occurred in the ways humans produced food, which is called the agricultural revolution (Worlds Together, Worlds Apart, 22). During the same period a warming trend occurred, which allowed for a wealth of plants and animals to be exposed and domesticated by early humans (Worlds Together, Worlds Apart, 22).
This paraphrased quote is citing two sentences from the textbook and provided proper citation material: textbook name, followed by the page number.
Proper citations are also required when quoting, directly or indirectly, from lecture PPT slides and primary sources (either from the textbook, textbook reader, or on Canvas).
You can also use the author’s last name followed by the page number:
During the same period a warming trend occurred, which allowed for a wealth of plants and animals to be exposed and domesticated by early humans (Pollard, 22).
As long as the reader, me, knows where the information is coming from, then using either title or author is ok with me. Please do not stress on the minutia or small details of MLA or Chicago Style, as long as the information presented in the Website is clearly from the Work Cited page, then I am happy.
History Project Outline
I. Introduce Family Life of the Chicano Movement of the 1960s and 1970s
A. Who are they and why were they important?
II. Family Life of the Chicano Movement of the 1960s and 1970s:
A. Explore family life in the 1960s
(how they were being treated)
B. Explore family life in the 1970s
(how they were being treated)
III. Explain where it was popular and what it was like:
A. Explain the Aztlan and why it was important to families there
IV. Talk about farmwork
A. Farmworks (how it helped them)
B. Talk about it being the worst job yet was one of the only jobs
C. Kids would stay at school while parents work as farmworkers
V. Personal opinion
A. What is my input on the fact of the movement?
B. How do I feel about the Mexican Immigrants in the 1960s-1970s?
VI. Conclusion
A. Wrap everything up
Reintroduce the movement
What the movement was about
How does it affect them
The main point (Argument/Thesis) is the answer to your research inquiry. For example, This paper will look at Family Life of the Chicano Movement of the 1960s and the 1970s issue, which is comparable to events that happened during the 1960s and 1970s, indactign how was work, how were the families, what they were seen as and more..
Library Books:
The Chicano generation: testimonios of the movementLinks to an external site.
Garcia, Mario T
Revelation in Aztlán: Scriptures, Utopias, and the Chicano MovementLinks to an external site.
Hidalgo, Jacqueline M.
Online Cites: to an external site. to an external site.
I am doing Option B and I am going to research Family Life. I will be talking about the Family Life of the Chicano Movement of the 1960s and 1970s. I will research and highlight the key figures and events they faced and what it was like.


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