Week Three: Assignment Hide Assignment Information Instructions For this assignm


Week Three: Assignment
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For this assignment, you can choose any criminal intelligence related topic of your choice, The field of possible choices is wide open, but the objective is for you to correlate the class material with your topic of choice and integrate information from the course in your work. Possible subjects of exploration include:
The “intelligence cycle” and its application in the law enforcement field (who collects, analyzes, disseminates, and uses the information – and why)
A survey of law enforcement intelligence products and their uses
A case study in law enforcement intelligence success ( a crime or incident was prevented)
A case study in law enforcement intelligence failure (a crime or incident was not prevented)
The debate over law enforcement intelligence and how it affects national security and civil liberties
This is not an exhaustive list, but rather a list of a few topics of possible areas to investigate for the second writing assignment. The objective is for you to use your creativity and explore one of the many facets of criminal intelligence or law enforcement intelligence. If you have any questions about a specific topic that you would like to explore, please contact your instructor to seek approval and input.
For each writing assignment, students are tasked with authoring a college-level writing work meeting the following criteria:
The length of each paper shall be between four and six pages long, NOT including a Title page and a Reference page. NO abstract is needed for this assignment.
Use a minimum of four resources in the generation of the work.
The format of the paper will follow APA guidelines and include properly formatted in-text citations and end of work references.
Please find below the grading rubric to which all written assignments are graded.
CJA 401 Written Assignment Rubric – PDF Document (279 KB)
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Rubric Name: Written Assignment Rubric
Criterion Score
20 points
The writer’s central purpose or argument is readily apparent to the reader; clear thesis sentence.
15 points
The writing has a clear purpose or argument but may sometimes digress from it.
10 points
The central purpose or argument is not consistently clear throughout the paper.
5 points
The purpose or argument is generally unclear.
Score of Purpose,
/ 20
20 points
Balanced presentation of relevant and legitimate information that clearly supports a central purpose or argument and shows a thoughtful, in-depth analysis of a significant topic; content is specific, accurate, interesting and appropriate.
15 points
Information provides reasonable support for a central purpose or argument and displays evidence of a basic analysis of a significant topic.
10 points
Information supports a central purpose or argument at times but often strays from purpose. Analysis is basic or general.
5 points
Central purpose or argument is not clearly identified. Analysis is vague or not evident.
Score of Content,
/ 20
20 points
The ideas are arranged logically to support the purpose or argument. Ideas flow smoothly from one to another and are clearly linked to each other. The reader can follow the line of reasoning.
15 points
The ideas are arranged logically to support the central purpose or argument. Ideas are usually clearly linked to each other. For the most part, the reader can follow the line of reasoning.
10 points
In general, the writing is arranged logically, although occasionally ideas fail to make sense together. The reader is fairly clear about what the writer intends.
5 points
The writing is not logically organized. Frequently, ideas fail to make sense together. The reader cannot identify a line of reasoning and loses interest.
Score of grid.row2.label,
/ 20
20 points
APA format is used accurately and consistently in the paper and on the “References” section; follows APA guidelines with regard to mechanics, sentence structure, and word choice.
15 points
APA format is used with minor errors; follows APA guidelines with regard to mechanics, sentence structure, and word choice with few minor errors.
10 points
There are frequent errors in APA format.
5 points
Format of the document is not recognizable as APA.
Score of APA,
/ 20
Grammar and Spelling
20 points
All grammar and spelling are correct.
15 points
Only one or two errors in spelling/grammar.
10 points
A few grammar and/or spelling errors.
5 points
Very frequent grammar and/or spelling errors.
Score of Grammar and Spelling,
/ 20
TotalScore of Written Assignment Rubric,
/ 100Overall Score
Exemplary87.5 points minimum
Good62.5 points minimum
Acceptable37.5 points minimum
Unacceptable0 points minimum
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