Notes that I created, but you will also take notes by hand or typed for the addi


Notes that I created, but you will also take notes by hand or typed for the additional video links on investing. For the investing videos, I expect approximately one page of normal size hand writing or 2/3 page of typed notes per video. These notes can be in bullet point or outline form if you prefer. So you do not have to write paragraphs. I am expecting your handwriting to be of a normal size–not one page of large handwriting to skirt around the assignment. Typed notes can be roughly 12 point font with 1.5 spacing. Your notes should have a reasonable amount of detail in them. Please put the video title before you start writing so the notes do not all run together. This way, if you have more than one video on a page, I can easily tell what is what. Please note that I am not promoting any investment products and that these videos shall simply serve as a way to learn terminology and how the stock market and other investment products work and are configured.


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