Select a United States Health Care System problem. Write a 10-page assessment pa


Select a United States Health Care System problem. Write a 10-page assessment paper. Use APA Format. Title page (1 page), abstract (150-250 words on 1 page), introduction (1 full page), content pages including a conclusion (6 full pages) and reference list (1 page or more)
Reference should include a minimum of 5 peer reviewed journal articles and the text book. Use the provided APA assignment template. Only Microsoft Word assignment documents will be accepted for grading. PDF or Google word assignment will be assigned zero.
Select a current health care system problem. Making use of outside resources is highly recommended. The paper should offer information and insight on the topic. Prior to assignment submission feel free to consult with the course instructor/professor to make sure you are on the right track. Write a 10-page assessment paper. Use APA 7th Edition Format. Title page (1 page), Abstract (150-250 words on 1 page), Introduction (1 full-page), Content pages including a Conclusion (6 full pages) and reference list (1 page or more)
Reference should include a minimum of 5 peer-reviewed journal articles and the textbook. Minimum of 6 references. You can use the textbook as the foundation of your paper, but it is required to use at least 5 peer-reviewed journal articles outside resources. (2019 – 2023). It is allowed to use textbooks, dissertations, and government websites as additional resources. Organizational websites (.org, .net & .com), newspapers, magazines, and blogs are not acceptable as resources for this assignment. The references should be listed in the reference list at the end of the paper. Each source must be cited at least once in the text of the paper. Direct quotes are not recommended and you will be penalized for any direct quotes. We expect undergraduate students to read the sources and write in their own words while listing & citing their resources in the text. The quality of written assignments is strongly based on the ability of students to do critical thinking. The papers need to follow the American Psychology Association (APA, 6th ed.) writing style for academic and scholarly papers
You should use the APA 7th Edition Assignment Example APA7eGuide.pdf
in pages of the APA 7th Edition Guideline provided or submit your assignment in APA 7 format. Only Microsoft Word assignment documents will be accepted for grading. PDF or Google word document assignment will be assigned zero.


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