Capacity Management Memo You are the ER department manager. The ER medical direc


Capacity Management Memo
You are the ER department manager. The ER medical director for your hospital’s emergency department is convinced that building a 10-bed addition will address the overcrowding problem that has plagued the hospital for the last five years.
-Write a memo addressed to the hospital CEO and chief of the medical staff in which you argue that spending $6 million will not solve the problem. The memo should identify the root causes of the issues and explain why a more comprehensive solution is needed. Propose 2-3-potential solutions to the over-crowding problem that are grounded in research.
-Please review APA 7 format for MEMOs
Your well-written memo should meet the following requirements:
Be 2 single-spaced pages in length, not including the required cover page and reference page.
Format your entire memo according to the APA 7 style


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