Policy problem: the use of solitary confinement During this course, each stude


Policy problem: the use of solitary confinement
During this course, each student will complete a Policy Analysis Assignment. For this assignment, each student will select a specific problem within the criminal justice system, analyze it in detail, and propose a policy for addressing the problem. There will be 4 separate parts that will make up the entire assignment, which is due at two-week intervals. The 4 parts are as follows:
Analyzing the problem;
Setting goals and objectives;
Detailing policy implementation and management; and
Designing an evaluation plan and incorporating suggestions from parts 1-3. Below you will find the instructions for Part Four.
The skills that you will practice in this assignment are of enormous value to the world. Millions of lives are impacted by the outcomes of various social policies. Millions of dollars are invested. It is critical that policies be formulated, implemented, monitored, and evaluated very carefully. This assignment will provide you with experience along these lines that you can carry into a career in the area of criminal justice policy analysis and administration.
In Part One of this assignment, you selected and analyzed a significant criminal justice policy problem. In Part Two, you specified broad goals and specific objectives that you would like to achieve in terms of the selected problem. In Part Three, you designed the policy and created a plan for carrying it out. The fourth task for this assignment is to articulate an evaluation plan and also incorporate suggestions from your instructor on parts 1-3 of the assignment. Please address the following questions for this part of the paper:
Articulate an evaluation plan. How will you know if your policy is a success or not? In Part Two, you specified measurable objectives. Exactly how do you plan to measure those objectives? How can you account for the possibility that the observed outcomes were not influenced by potential confounding factors?
Incorporate suggestions from your instructor’s feedback for Part One.
Incorporate suggestions from your instructor’s feedback for Part Two.
Incorporate suggestions from your instructor’s feedback for Part Three.
Submission Format
Your paper should be double-spaced and include a centered title. our paper should be
750-1-000 words in length. Any sources used should be properly cited in APA format.


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