Book review • Length & format—2 full pages, double-spaces, 1-inch, justified mar


Book review
• Length & format—2 full pages, double-spaces, 1-inch, justified margins, font: Times New Roman, size
12. Chicago citation as footnotes when necessary.
• Write a book review for Ostler’s Empires of the Word.
it is not a summary of the book, but highlights its successes and criticizes where necessary. An example can be found at the top of the Canvas course page.
There will also be in-class learning occasions and a peer-review.
• I shall also be available to meet on a first come, first served basis during office hours to further assist with
and answer questions pertaining to the book review writing process.
• Draft: a copy of your draft is due 21 Apr before 11:59pm, feedback priority will be given to those who
submit on-time


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