Using the Brooks, Jane (2013). The Process of Parenting (Ninth Edition). New Yor


Using the Brooks, Jane (2013). The Process of Parenting (Ninth Edition). New Yor

Using the Brooks, Jane (2013). The Process of Parenting (Ninth Edition). New York, McGraw-Hill, Inc textbook
Your final Unit Paper will focus on parenting challenges and identity. You will watch a documentary called Far from the Tree, which examines the experiences of parents and children who are profoundly different from each other.
Step-by-step instructions to watch the full documentary are below (closed captions are available). You must watch the full documentary – it’s 1 hour and 32 minutes so get comfortable and have something to take notes. While watching the documentary, you should write down meaningful connections between class material (i.e. concepts, theories, research) and the families in the movie for your Unit paper. Additional prompt questions are below for your paper.
Instructions: The movie is free to stream using your OSU library login information (no account setup is required).
Step 1: Go to
Step 2: Click the red “Watch Now” icon.
Reaction to documentary:
Briefly summarize your reaction to the film (Did any part resonate with you? What insight(s) did you gain about parenting, identity, and/or disability? What critiques, if any, do you have of the documentary?)
What did you learn from the documentary that could inform your personal and/or professional goals?
MEANINGFUL CONNECTION #1: What class material (concepts, theory, or research) can you apply to the lives of families in the documentary? Be as specific and detailed as possible in your application of course material (i.e. how does this material connect to their lives? Why is this important?)
Personal significance:
MEANINGFUL CONNECTION #2: How did the family that raised you deal with differences? What differences were celebrated? What differences created (or could have created) challenges for you or other family members? Tie in course material (theory, research, concepts) to explain how these differences were handled and shaped your family and/or personal development. Again, be specific and detailed in your applications of course material.
Is normality something you want for the children that you work with OR the children you plan to (or currently) raise? If so, how do you define normality (what does/would it look like)? How would you feel if that was NOT achievable? How does your culture/values/experiences influence your perspective?
Paper Requirements:
Your paper should be in size 12 font, Times New roman, and Double-Spaced.
Your paper should be at least one and a half (1.5) pages long and no more than two and a half (2.5) pages long.
Respond to all prompt questions.
Papers must make at least two meaningful connections to course material (parenting concepts, theories, or research). A meaningful connection will briefly detail the course material (define the concept or briefly summarize the theory/research) AND state HOW this relates to the prompt question with a specific example. Avoid making superficial comments like “this class covers parenting challenges and the documentary showed many real-world parenting struggles”.
Remember to use APA style 7th edition for references and in-text citations. The reference page does NOT count toward your page count
Do not use the lecture PowerPoint slides as citations, utilized outside sources (EX. Textbook chapters, google scholar articles, etc)
Please have a title page, reference page, running head, and page numbers in the upper right hand corner
Comments from Customer
You can watch the documentary with a trial on youtube, as well as from prime, or apple TV.
i also already sent the textbook that we are using
Use chapters 1-16 of Brooks, Jane (2013). The Process of Parenting (Ninth Edition). New York, McGraw-Hill, Inc
order a virtual copy from “vital source”. This is useful for searching through the textbook for key words and topics.


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