Leadership Mgmt Practicum XLS Group 4598SP24 Spring 2024 CO Write a 4 to 7 page


Leadership Mgmt Practicum XLS Group 4598SP24 Spring 2024 CO Write a 4 to 7 page

Leadership Mgmt Practicum XLS Group 4598SP24 Spring 2024 CO Write a 4 to 7 page paper (not including title page and reference page) documenting the completed change project. Expand on all focus ares noted in the Project Proposal (change to past-tense). Add any other pertinent content. This is not a redo of the proposal sheet but an indepth discussion of the project experience. Format using standard APA 7th edition guidelines discussed throughout this course. THIS IS WHAT I HAVE DONE ALREADY AND WHAT SOME OF THIS CONTENT CAN BE INCLUDED. ( I WILL ALSO ADD JOUNAL ENTRY) Capstone Leadership Project Proposal Template Denise Wells Sepsis Project Description This should be a detailed description of your Project. NOTE: This is not a research study and should not include any activities that are clinically research related such as collecting data from patients. Actual clinical research requires approval from an institutional review board (IRB) and must detail how human subjects are protected. In my observation, the number of patients being admitted to the hospital are either already septic or develop sepsis while they are admitted has significantly increased. The primary focus of this project description is the hospitals statistical occurrence of septic patients upon hospital admission. Additionally, I will speak to administration about how to educate the staff regarding sepsis and develop an immediate response protocol that includes collecting blood tests including blood cultures and lactic acid levels, administering fluids, oxygen, and antibiotics as treatment. Project Rationale Who will benefit and how will they benefit from this project? Nurses can gain significant advantages by familiarizing themselves with the essential warning signs of sepsis. Also, the patients benefit because sepsis can be costly and life threatening. The hospital organization benefits as well with their quality control numbers increasing. Personal/Professional Expectations What do you hope to gain from this Project, both professionally and personally? Professionally, I aim to enhance my knowledge and skills in identifying and managing sepsis, ultimately improving patient outcomes and contributing more effectively to interdisciplinary healthcare teams. Personally, I hope to feel a greater sense of confidence and fulfillment in my ability to provide quality care, knowing that I am equipped to recognize and respond to sepsis promptly and effectively. Additionally, I aspire to deepen my understanding of the complexities surrounding sepsis and its impact on patients and their families, fostering empathy and compassion in my nursing practice. Project Goals List and explain the goals of your Project. This section should address, in detail, a description of your project, what you plan to do and how you will achieve it. Create presentations, pamphlets, and online modules covering key aspects of sepsis, including definitions, risk factors, signs and symptoms, diagnostic criteria, and evidence-based management strategies. These materials will be distributed and shared during staff meetings, workshops, and through online platforms. Collaborate with interdisciplinary teams to develop evidence-based protocols for early sepsis identification, including screening tools and assessment criteria. Implement these protocols across various units and departments within the healthcare facility, ensuring consistency and adherence to best practices. Implement quality improvement initiatives to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of sepsis recognition and management practices. Procedure A step-by-step analysis of how you intend to meet your goals, including resources you will need, where you intend to find them, and an estimated timeline of how long each step will take. This is the major section of your proposal. Educational materials, presentations, online platforms for distribution. Source of Resources: Develop materials in-house or utilize existing resources from reputable sources such as medical journals, professional organizations, and healthcare institutions. Develop educational materials: 1 month Plan educational sessions: 2 weeks Distribute materials and conduct sessions: Ongoing throughout the project. Interdisciplinary team collaboration, evidence-based guidelines and protocols. Collaborate with healthcare professionals from various specialties, utilize guidelines from reputable organizations such as the Surviving Sepsis Campaign, and adapt protocols to suit the institution’s needs. Expected outcomes How will your project be evaluated? What specifically will make your project a success, both to you and to others? The evaluation of the project on sepsis will be multifaceted, encompassing both quantitative metrics and qualitative feedback. Success will be determined by achieving specific objectives and outcomes, as well as by the perceived impact on patient care and healthcare provider knowledge and confidence. Success will be measured by a decrease in mortality rates associated with sepsis within the healthcare facility. Evaluate the percentage of sepsis cases where timely intervention was initiated according to established protocols. Monitor adherence to sepsis management protocols through regular audits and assessments. Gather feedback from healthcare providers, including nurses, physicians, and allied health professionals, regarding the perceived effectiveness of educational sessions, simulation training, and protocol implementation. Evaluate the level of collaboration and communication among healthcare teams in managing sepsis cases, as perceived by team members and observed through interdisciplinary rounds and meetings. Assess the sustainability of the project’s interventions over time, including ongoing adherence to protocols and continued community awareness efforts. Monitor the incidence of sepsis-related complications, such as organ dysfunction and prolonged hospitalizations, to gauge the long-term impact on patient outcomes. Measure the extent to which knowledge and skills acquired through the project are retained and applied by healthcare providers in their daily practice. Ultimately, the success of the project will be evident in the improvement of patient outcomes, the enhancement of healthcare provider knowledge and skills in sepsis management, and the increased awareness and engagement of the community in recognizing and addressing sepsis. Journal Entry: Reflection on my Capstone Project This semester marked the start of a transformative journey as I embarked on our capstone project about sepsis within our healthcare center. Sepsis has been considered by many medical professionals to have increasingly become a concern in hospital admissions. It has demanded their full attention and proactive measures which are meant to enhance patient outcomes. This projects will not only enhance my own skills and knowledge, but also contribute meaningfully to our healthcare team, most importantly, to the well-being of our patients. This project will educate our staff regarding the vital signs of sepsis and the implementation of evidence-based protocols for early identification and management. This will be helpful as it will impart us with knowledge and experience that will help us to save lives and decrease the burden of this life-threatening condition. We all stand to benefit substantially from this program as we will gain the necessary tools to notice and respond to sepsis on time. During the meeting with the nurse educator, we delved into multifaceted strategies aimed at preventing sepsis within our unit. One of the primary focal points was enhancing staff education and awareness regarding early recognition of sepsis signs and symptoms. Implementing regular training sessions and workshops can empower our team to swiftly identify potential cases, facilitating prompt intervention. Additionally, we explored the importance of stringent infection control measures, emphasizing meticulous hand hygiene protocols and proper catheter care to minimize the risk of microbial transmission. Moreover, we discussed the significance of utilizing evidence-based practices such as timely administration of antibiotics and fluid resuscitation in suspected cases. By fostering a culture of vigilance and adherence to best practices, we aspire to fortify our unit’s defenses against sepsis, ultimately safeguarding the well-being of our patients. Addressing complaints regarding sepsis reduction on our unit is paramount to enhancing patient safety and quality of care. In our recent discussions, we acknowledged concerns raised by staff and patients alike, emphasizing the need for proactive measures to mitigate sepsis risk. Among the key areas of focus is streamlining communication channels to ensure seamless coordination between healthcare providers, facilitating swift identification and intervention in suspected cases. Additionally, we are committed to bolstering resources for staff education and training, equipping them with the knowledge and skills necessary for early recognition and management of sepsis. Furthermore, we recognize the importance of fostering a culture of accountability and transparency, where feedback is valued and acted upon promptly to drive continuous improvement initiatives. By actively addressing complaints and implementing targeted interventions, we are dedicated to fostering a safer and more resilient healthcare environment for all.


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