1. View the original Trial of Socrates. (as Plato narrated) https://www.youtube.


1. View the original Trial of Socrates. (as Plato narrated) https://www.youtube.

1. View the original Trial of Socrates. (as Plato narrated) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=id0Kkq4VHDo Answer all of the following questions after listening to the above video. answers should be at least 5 sentences per each of the questions: 2. How did Plato explain why Socrates was accused of wrongdoing? 3. Why do you think that many Athenians turned against Socrates? 4. What is Meletus’s most persuasive/compelling claim? And why? 5. Write your own opening statement that supports Socrates’ guilt. 6. Write your own opening statement to defend Socrates’ innocence. 7. After viewing the above video, what was Meletus’ best argument? 8. After viewing the above video, what was Socrates’ best argument?


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