This is the project you finish for me. I want to use the same equation that you


This is the project you finish for me. I want to use the same equation that you

This is the project you finish for me. I want to use the same equation that you create and make stable for predator for example N=20 that you used and keep the population of Canadian lynxes (N) stable 20 and see when system is stable or non-stable,
Stability and Bifurcation Analysis
and you alreadydid part 4 I think if you can do part 5 with mathlab.
Topic 5
Analyze the stability of the newly created two-dimensional system using appropriate choices of the parameters of the system. This analysis will contain fixed points, fixed point classification linearization, stable and unstable manifolds, fixed point classification using a phase portrait analysis, and solution behavior also using phase portrait analysis. The mathematical analysis should be accompanied by an explanation of its meaning in term of the quantities of interest.


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