(this essay is only a draft and should be 5 pages in length. APA 7 format with r


(this essay is only a draft and should be 5 pages in length. APA 7 format with r

(this essay is only a draft and should be 5 pages in length. APA 7 format with references)
1. Background – Susan Strasser ends Waste and Want with both a critique of the human condition and some hope in the shifting values of a material world.
2. Prompt – Where do your sentiments fall? Are you hopeful or hopeless about the human condition and the future of our environment? Include evidence from your own waste habits AND Strasser’s chapter, “Good Riddance.” (15 points)
3. Reflection – Consider the Catholic social teaching of “Integral Ecology” that Pope Francis explores in Laudato Si’. Specify how your existing habits of or a planned change to how you buy, use, and dispose of things and connect it to “Integral Ecology.” (10 points)
4. Paper mechanics – (5 points)


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