This component is a personal reflection on the capstone and your experience in t


This component is a personal reflection on the capstone and your experience in t

This component is a personal reflection on the capstone and your experience in the MHA program.  Discuss what worked well, what challenges you faced, and what you would change or do differently to make your experience worthwhile.  How will you apply what you have learned to your professional life?  Remember, this reflection is not about the evaluation of the capstone course, but rather your overall experience doing the capstone project.
Competency Reflection
After completing the capstone project, please write one paragraph reflection (clearly labeled “Assignment Competency Reflection” that addresses the following question:  Reflecting on the competencies mapped to this assignment, how was the attainment of these competencies strengthened? Consider both course materials and assignments in responding to this question.  You will complete this for all assignments (e.g., discussion boards, essays, presentations, etc.), even those which are group or team assignments.  In those cases, reflect on how competencies were strengthened for you individually.  In addition, each student is to review the MHA competency model, and choose two (2) additional competencies (not mapped to the assignment) that were developed within your project.  Please include these additional competencies in your reflection and explain how the attainment of these competencies strengthened.


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