there are 2 examples of 2 students giving their opinions in regard to the follow


there are 2 examples of 2 students giving their opinions in regard to the follow

there are 2 examples of 2 students giving their opinions in regard to the following question, Analyzing the demographics of an audience is important for any presentation. What are some of the demographics that should be considered?
respond to each student supporting their discussion stating if you agree and please use citation and a reference for response in APA format. response should be 4-5 sentence for each response.
Student 1: Before giving a presentation, it is important to do an audience analysis, so you are aware of the audience you are targeting. Some examples of demographics that should be considered are age, gender, religion, education level, income, and occupation. Knowing the age range of your audience can help you determine “what stage of life events that they may be experiencing, such as raising a family or preparing for retirement.”. (McQuail, D. (1997)) Gender provides subtle influences on demands for various products, and their needs and desires.
Gauging the right level of communication for your speech is a challenge but is important. Not everyone that you are speaking to has the same education level as others. So, it is crucial not to talk down or use fancy words to impress the audience that may leave them confused. By using geographic location this can help you determine the financial status of your audience.
There may be times when you will have a diverse audience, using a variety of different supporting materials will help you deliver your presentation at a broader level. (Mottet, & Beebe, 2013, pg.262). Relying on visual materials can help communicate universal messages. Another strategy that you can implement is seeking common ground with the audience, by identifying their values. (Mottet, & Beebe, 2013, pg.262)
Student 2: Demographics refers to the makeup of the audience you are presenting to. Prior to any presentation, it is important to perform demographic analysis. Factors such as age, gender identification, location, education, and income are important to consider. This will help you tailor the information to the audience. It will also help minimize the risk of unintentionally offending or alienating part of your audience.
Based on the results of the demographics analysis, certain assumptions can be implied about the audience. As referenced in our previous chapters, various cultures have different means of engaging. Men and women receive information differently. People of different socioeconomic statuses have different needs. As a presenter, being knowledgeable and respectful of the customs helps you connect with your audience. The more you know about the associations of your audience members, the better prepared you will be to tailor your speech to their interests, expectations, and needs. (Wrench, Johnson, & Attias, 2016, 5.2)
The goal is to place the right messages in front of the right people at the right time. (O’Neil, 2021) Although the information is important, the delivery is what ultimately ensures the message is received. Having a targeted message tailored to the audience in front of you ensures your message is properly received.


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