The Yellow Wallpaper. . Please read it thoroughly. Then, either online through G


The Yellow Wallpaper. . Please read it thoroughly. Then, either online through G

The Yellow Wallpaper. . Please read it thoroughly. Then, either online through Google or Google Scholar, in the physical library, research to find an article that analyzes the work you chose. Do not choose a Sparksnotes/Shmoop/etc. type of website or article. I want you to find an author’s individual analysis. After selecting your article, read and annotate it. You should understand the author’s main points about the text.
The paper should contain the following components:
• An introduction, summary, and explanation of the work you chose from our text
• Your analysis of the work you chose – Does the author use literary devices, like foreshadowing or metaphor? How and where? You might discuss the setting, the characters, or whether or not the text is mimetic or didactic. Is there any historical significance to the text? Was there an event going on that impacted the text or the author in some way? Etc.
• An introduction, summary, and an explanation of the article you found
• Connect the article to the text and give your opinion on its validity. Is the author entirely off the mark or accurate in their analysis? Why or why not?
This essay should be 6-8 pages overall including your Works Cited page. Your assignment should be in MLA format, double-spaced, and in 12-point Times New Roman font. Include in-text citations in the paper


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