The paper needs to provide a detailed review of sign theory. This includes a tho


The paper needs to provide a detailed review of sign theory. This includes a tho

The paper needs to provide a detailed review of sign theory. This includes a thorough explanation of the origins (theoretical approach and communication tradition the theory follows), concepts, principles, and rationales discussed by the theory (approximately 4-5 pages). You can use the textbook or the class slides to make sure your review is comprehensive.
Now you need to do some additional research in relation to the theory. You will need to conduct a search of academic sources based on the theory of your choice, include TWO academic sources and summarize how the theory has been studied in those sources, and explain the key findings in brief (approximately 2-3 pages). When summarizing each source, you will need at least one sentence in introducing the study context, method. findings, and implications of the study respectively. 
Lastly, you will choose one instance/situation/interaction related to the theory that you have experienced. You should demonstrate how the theory helps us understand and explain the situation and discuss how it can inform future interactions of a similar nature (approximately 2-3 pages). Remember to also include a conclusion paragraph. 
Proofread after you finish: Make sure your paper is 8-10 pages in total, double-spaced and use APA format. Proofread your writing as you will be graded on both the content of the paper and the style of your writing. After you submit, check your similarity score using Turnitin and make sure it is below 30% to avoid any point deduction. 


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