Social Problem Research and Action Project In this course, you will complete a t


Social Problem Research and Action Project
In this course, you will complete a t

Social Problem Research and Action Project
In this course, you will complete a term-long research and action project that will culminate with an original 7 to 10 page paper that you will submit by the assigned deadline in the final week of the class.
Choose a social problem of interest to you. You may choose a global, national, or local issue.
Research component (2-3 pages)
Present an overview of the problem. What is the social impact?
Describe the approaches that have been used to address or ameliorate the problem in the past. If it is a new/emerging problem, consider how similar issues have been addressed in the past. Identify organizations working towards solutions.
Analyze the strengths and challenges of these different approaches. Provide supporting arguments.
The paper should include a minimum of five recent references (2019-present).
Prepare the paper using APA 7 formatting guidelines. (An APA style guide is available at the Perdue Online Writing Lab: to an external site..)
Use in-text citations throughout this section and include a reference list (not included in the page length) including all sources referenced in writing the paper.
Action component (5-8 pages)
Explore your own role as a changemaker. What personal resources (such as time, skills, personal networks, etc.) do you have that can be used to address this issue?
Identify tangible actions that you can take during this course to help address the problem. Tangible actions can include building a new institution or program, volunteering in an existing institution, advocacy/policy change efforts, and other options, but should not include passive activities, such as donating funds to a non-profit organization.
Take action. Contribute a minimum of 10 hours during the term to an action (or actions) that both addresses the social problem and capitalizes on your personal resources. Describe what you did to address the problem.
Reflect on your action(s). What impact did you have on the social problem? What would you do differently if you had more time or resources? What did you learn from this experience that you can use in the future?
Based on what you learned, what type of social enterprise would you found or join to address this social problem? What impact would you expect this enterprise to have on the problem? Why?
This paper is the culminating written report of your term-long exploration into social entrepreneurship. Since it includes both a research and an action component, it cannot be completed in a rush at the end of the course. Using this timeline will help you plan for your project.
Weeks 1-2: Choose a social problem.
Week 3-4: Begin collecting references for the research component. Explore your own role as a changemaker and identify actions that you can take to address the problem.
Weeks 5-8: Take action. Refine your reference list. Draft research component. Submit outline for review (Week 8).
Weeks 9-10: Reflect on your action. Draft action component. Submit rough draft (Week 10).
Week 12-14: Edit paper and submit final version.
The paper will be graded based on the following guidelines.
Entrepreneurial Thinking (20%)
Demonstrate entrepreneurial thinking by identifying and exploiting opportunities for social change, using creativity and problem-solving skills to approach the social problem, adapting to uncertainty, and using reflection to develop insight.
Content and Development (60% points possible)
All project components are addressed in the paper in a substantive way.
The paper is 10-12 pages in length.
At least five recent references are used.
Major points are stated clearly; are supported by specific details, examples, or analysis; and are organized logically.
The introduction provides sufficient background on the topic and previews major points.
The conclusion is logical, flows from the body of the paper, and reviews the major points.
Readability, Style, and Mechanics (20%)
Paragraph transitions are present, logical, and maintain the flow throughout the paper.
The tone is appropriate to the content and assignment.
Sentence transitions are present and maintain the flow of thought.
The paper, including the reference page, follows APA guidelines for format.
Citations within the body of the paper follow APA guidelines.
Rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation are followed.
Spelling is correct
TOPIC “‘Focusing my research on healthcare as a social problem since it’s a vital one that has a significant impact on people’s lives. My comprehension of its intricacies enables me to see its wider ramifications, promoting consciousness and possibly adding to the conversations about bringing about constructive modifications in healthcare systems along with the knowledge I have in pertaining to such topic!”
(an idea of how to start it off) Healthcare is an essential component of society’s
well-being and goes beyond being merely a service. Individuals’ lives are impacted, communities
are shaped, and global economies are impacted. Healthcare is not just about medical care; it also
involves social determinants of health and equity promotion. (elaborate more)The intricate world
of healthcare is explored in this essay, which also looks at historical perspectives, social effects,
and the systems’ inherent advantages and disadvantages.
Healthcare disparities continue to be a major problem because of differences in health
outcomes, care quality disparities, and unequal access to necessary services. (explain how) These
differences exacerbate already-existing societal divisions by disproportionately affecting
marginalized communities. Inadequate access to healthcare can result in avoidable illnesses as
well as higher rates of morbidity and mortality, which puts a burden on both patients and
healthcare systems. ( go more in-depth to get the point across/ elaborate)
Numerous tactics have been used to address healthcare issues over the years. Prominent
entities like the World Health Organization (WHO), Physicians Without Borders, and regional
nonprofits focused on healthcare have been leading the charge in enhancing healthcare
accessibility, fortifying medical infrastructure, and promoting fair policies. Previous tactics have
included raising insurance coverage, launching programs to increase the capacity of the
healthcare workforce, and implementing preventive health programs.
The healthcare landscape still faces significant obstacles despite significant progress.
Universal access to healthcare is impeded by systemic barriers, insufficient infrastructure, and
economic disparities. Effective interventions are further complicated by cultural subtleties,Resource constraints, and political complexity. Innovative approaches that have the potential toovercome healthcare obstacles, like telemedicine, community health worker programs, andpublic-private partnerships, offer hope.To address healthcare disparities, this segment highlights concrete steps that individualscan take to strengthen their agency as a catalyst for change. People who possess research skills,networking abilities, and a strong commitment to social justice can use their resources toadvocate for fair access to healthcare. As agents of change, they act as advocates’ mouthpiecesand stirrers of change.(add more information)One can be actively involved in a variety of ways, such as leading research initiatives,advocating for causes, and volunteering with nearby healthcare organizations. People can raisetheir voices for equitable healthcare by matching their skills with societal needs. The end resultof contributions is increased awareness, real assistance for marginalized populations, and policyreform advocacy. To bring about change, reflective reflection emphasizes the importance ofcooperation, tenacity, and adaptability.In conclusion, (put in the focus on how to start it off) the Social Problem Research andAction Project on Healthcare emphasizes the necessity of using a variety of strategies to addresshealthcare disparities. Individuals become essential change agents through coordinated research,proactive involvement, and introspective reflection. Through the utilization of theirentrepreneurial skills and personal resources, they steer the path towards more equitable accessto healthcare and better societal well-being. A healthier and more equitable future is achievablefor everyone with perseverance and teamwork. References:JN;, B. A. Y. A. (2017). Communities in action: Pathways to health equity. National Center
for Biotechnology Information.
Medical issues. Doctors Without Borders – USA. (2020).
World Health Organization. (n.d.). About who. World Health Organization.


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