Research Paper Instructions PSY 701 Scenario: An instructor conducted a stu


Research Paper Instructions
PSY 701

An instructor conducted a stu

Research Paper Instructions
PSY 701

An instructor conducted a study to determine if pointing to pictures of items in books while reading to children will increase their tacting (labeling) skills.
Participant and setting description:
Three children participated in the study
Sessions took place after school in the participants’ home.
Target behavior and Tact Trial description:
The instructor implemented “tact trials” in which the instructor sat across the table from the participant and help up a picture card and say, “What’s this?”.
A “correct” response occurred if the participant emitted the correct tact (label) for the item in the picture.
An “incorrect” response occurred if the participant did not respond or responded incorrectly.
Baseline description:
During baseline sessions, the instructor held up a picture card and said, “what’s this?” with no prompts or reinforcement.
Intervention session description:
During intervention sessions, the instructor read books to the participant earlier in the day. The books contained pictures of the same items in the picture cards used during tact trials later that day.
The instructor used a multiple probe across participants design
Data were collected in the same manner during baseline and intervention conditions.
The instructor marked “correct” if the participant emitted the correct tact (label) for the item in the picture during tact trials.
The instructor marked “incorrect” if the participant did not respond or responded incorrectly during tact trials.
The instructor calculated the percent or correct response per session.
Internal validity was strong and experimental control was displayed.
All participants responded at 0% during baseline sessions and showed slow, but consistent improvement after the intervention was introduced.
Data in generalization and maintenance phases prove that the intervention was effective.

General Instructions:
Based on the information above, create a brief hypothetical research paper formatted in APA. You have been provided with two research articles (Werts, Caldwell, & Wolery 2003; Wolery, Anthony, Caldwell, Snyder, Morgante 2002) relevant to the scenario above for you to reference and use as a guide. The articles can be found in Canvas in the Research Paper Resources module.
The assignment is divided into two parts composed of different sections of the paper. Part 1 is the first half of the paper and is due 12/1/19. For part 2, students will add the remaining sections to the paper and submit their completed paper in Canvas by Thursday, December 5th by midnight (Saudi time).
Additional Comments:
Length: Papers should NOT exceed 10 total pages
Abstract and IOA: You do NOT need to include an abstract or IOA
Referencing: Must reference both articles (the part of the paper to be reference them is up to the student. Must include at least one reference as part of a sentence and one reference at the end of a sentence.
Formatting: After studies are published, the editor modifies the formatting to fit the journal style. DO NOT FORMAT YOUR PAPER BASED ON THE JOURNAL ARTICLES. Follow APA formatting styles outlined in the APA resources provided in class.
Headings: Must use at least level 2 headings
Creativity: A large portion of the grade for this assignment is based on the student’s creativity – meaning, the student is required to create their paper based on the information provided above. **No more information about the scenario will be provided.
Graphing: Graphs MUST be formatted correctly BASED ON HOW WE DISCUSSED IN CLASS. Some graphs are published with minor errors. Students should not model their graphs on the graphs in the articles – they should be based on how it was presented in class.
Students will submit their assignments (both parts 1 and 2) through Turnitin in Canvas, which intensely checks for plagiarism – this includes plagiarism of another student’s work, journal articles, textbooks, online resources, etc. Scores on Turnitin above 25% will automatically be considered plagiarism; scores between 1% – 25% will be reviewed and determined by the instructor as to whether or not plagiarism occurred. Submissions that are determined to be acts of plagiarism will receive a zero on this assignment.
Title Page, Introduction, Methods, Formatting
Title Page:
Create your own *unique* title and format title page correctly
Intro (about 1 page)
Format intro page correctly
Roughly one paragraph on background
Roughly one paragraph on problem
Roughly one paragraph stating the purpose
Methods (about 1 page)
Roughly one paragraph on participants*, settings, and materials*do not provide excessive demographic information (age, gender, abilities, diagnoses, race, etc.) on participants in the Methods section – summarize this information in a Table and refer to the table in the methods section.
A few paragraphs outlining the methods, session types, target responses, data collection, etc.
Complete all general APA formatting for the document

Results, Discussion, Graph(s), Table, References
Results (about 1 page)
Provide general description of how each participant performed with some quantitative/numerical info
Must refer to graph
Discussion (about 1 page)
About one paragraph restating the purpose and how the study answered the research question
About one paragraph discussing potential limitations
About one paragraph outlining how these findings could be applied to real-world issues
One closing paragraph (can be part of the paragraph described in bullet c)
References (about 1 page)
Create references page using the two articles provided
You can also reference your textbook, but the two articles are required
Tables and Figures
Create table based on participant information referred to in methods section
Create appropriate graph with all necessary features If screenshot – do not have “select” boxes in picture or show gridlines from excel – should be clean
Graph must include generalization phase (must be described in methods and discussed in results)
Graph must include maintenance phase (must be described in methods and discussed in results)


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