Please use the attached assignments to complete the following sentence outline f


Please use the attached assignments to complete the following sentence outline f

Please use the attached assignments to complete the following sentence outline for rough draft of DEI themed argumentative essay.
For the Formal Sentence Outline, you will organize your ideas for the argument paper using an outline format. It will also show your instructor if you have a strong organizational plan in mind.
Rhetorical Skills – Utilize argument and persuasion to convince your reader to agree with your stance on the issue.
Creating your Formal Sentence Outline:
A strong outline should work as almost a table of contents for your paper; each point you make in the outline will appear in the essay in the same order. Again, you will complete a full-sentence outline, so each sentence can (and should) appear in your paper. Therefore, the longer your outline is, the easier it will be to write a strong rough draft. Your outline should be at least five pages in length.
Here′s a bit about the structure of an outline:
Next to each Roman numeral (I, II, III), you should provide a single, concise topic sentence (in case you′re not aware, a topic sentence is similar to a thesis statement; it tells the reader what the paragraph is about, whereas the thesis statement tells the reader what the essay is about). The next letters (A, B, C, and so on) will each have one sentence supporting the idea presented by the Roman numeral. If you have additional points to make about A, B, or C (or other letters), you start using regular numbers (1, 2, 3…). Each sentence must be a full, complete sentence. Do not use single words, phrases, or sentence fragments. You also should not include more than one sentence per Roman numeral, letter, or regular number (if you need to go further than regular numbers, you start using lower case letters). You must also have a Roman numeral II if you have a Roman numeral I. If you have an A, you must also include a B. And so on.
How do you begin your outline?
A good way to begin is to look at all of your notes and your research. Think about your topic and your thesis statement. Which information should you discuss first? Do you want to begin with the most important points and end with the least important? Do you think it would be better if you start with the least important ideas and then lead up to your strongest arguments at the end? The outline gives you a chance to think about how you will organize your thoughts in the most effective way possible.
What if you can’t seem to write a 5-page outline?
If you have trouble writing five pages for this assignment, you will need to ask yourself if you have enough material to write your paper, and then take action immediately if you do not. Do you need to do more research? Do you need to look at some of your notes and add information that could potentially make the essay stronger? I often notice that outlines of fewer than five pages are overly general. Be sure to be as specific as possible! What you include in this assignment can be included (verbatim!) in your rough draft, so it does benefit you to make your outline as long as possible.
Criteria for Success
This assignment is worth 50 points. Use this checklist to make sure you′ve covered all the required aspects of this assignment:
Argue your topic in outline format.
Follow the formatting directions listed above.
Choose a strong organizational strategy.
Use complete sentences.
Double-space your work.
Use Times New Roman 12 font.
Make sure the Formal Sentence Outline is at least a full 5-pages in length.


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