Please reply to the following discussion. Participate in the discussion by aski


Please reply to the following discussion. Participate in the discussion by aski

Please reply to the following discussion. Participate in the discussion by asking a question, providing a statement of clarification, providing a point of view with a rationale, challenging an aspect of the discussion, or indicating a relationship between two or more lines of reasoning in the discussion.  Responses must consist of at least 125 words, do NOT repeat the same thing your classmate is saying. No reference required. 
Isotope and Atomic Theory
Both the terms isotope and atomic theory are not super familiar to me. They sound vaguely familiar due to high school chemistry class several years ago but otherwise these are not words that are seen in my daily life. In everyday language these words mean nothing to me. I do not use nor do I hear other people use these vocabulary words from day to day however in the technical language of chemists, an isotope is defined as atoms of the same element but differing in mass. The reason for this difference in mass is due to having a different number of neutrons even thought they have the same amount of protons, which technically make them chemically the same element. Isotopes were first discovered in the early 1900s by a chemist who was awarded the Nobel Prize as a result of his findings. The other term, atomic theory is composed of several different postulates of Joh Dalton. These hypothesis in a total of five together give a microscopic explanation of many macroscopic properties of matter. Both of these terms are related to the course learning outcome because we are learning to explain matter at a microscopic level. The composition of Isotopes literally have us explaining the matter elements at a microscopic level. Atomic theory helps us define and explain matter at the macroscopic level. But in order to understand matter at the macroscopic level, we need to have an understanding at the microscopic level. Dalton’s atomic theory explains outcomes of the microscopic level of matter by the outcome of the macroscopic level of matter. There are not similarities for these terms used in everyday language versus in chemist’s technical language because I am not familiar with these terms used in day to day language at all. Because of this, there is no impact on my understanding of these words. It is almost as if I have a clean slate and can base my understanding from the true definition of these terms.


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